Think you can ride a motorbike like a Cambodian national? Take this simple test and find out!
- If you were a Cambodian and you drove a motorbike to work, where would you park it?
(a) In the carpark.
(b) In the most inconvenient place you could find to create an impediment for pedestrians.
(c) In your office.
- If you were a Cambodian and you bought a new motorbike and your friend asked you about the size of the bike, “size” in this instance refers to?
(a) The power of the engine.
(b) How many people can fit on it.
- If you were a Cambodian riding your motorbike in peak hour, what part of the road would you most likely need to ride on?
(a) The footpath.
(b) The side of the road with the oncoming traffic.
- If you were a Cambodian riding your motorbike into the oncoming traffic on the wrong side of the road and someone in a 4WD who formed part of the oncoming traffic beeped at you to get out of the way, would you?
(a) Move as quickly as possible to avoid injury or death.
(b) Give them a baffled look because they’re clearly in the wrong.
- If you were a Cambodian riding your motorbike and you encountered a red traffic light, would you?
(a) Stop and wait for it to turn green.
(b) Ignore it – traffic lights are for suckers and foreigners.
- If you were a Cambodian and you had precious cargo on your motorbike, like say, your entire family, helmets would be worn:
(a) Always.
(b) Never, you can fit more people on the bike that way.
If you answered (b) to all of the above, then CONGRATULATIONS you’re eligible to ride. If you didn’t, go ahead and ride anyway, you can always bribe a traffic cop. Please note, an answer of (c) in question 1 is technically correct; however, (b) is the answer to aspire to.
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