Who is Mick?

  • Mick web strategist dude (by bigmick)

    Hi, I'm a part of the great Tangler team and I ran marketing and business development for Kazaa, launching version 2 and taking it to the most downloaded application in history.

    I also worked at Zapr, IBM, Virgin, MassMedia, eCoast and have helped build loads more web applications. My chief skill is in balancing the community, technology and business sides - I speak all three languages.

    If you're running a web application and you want to make it really hum, then I'm here to help.

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January 18, 2008


Lachlan Hardy

I might have to come along to this! Coffee in the mornings, on Mondays... Yes, seems like my thing!

Web Application development

It is very Interesting concept. I think this is great thing that people can share their ideas with each-other. Keep it up!

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