Big ups to my man Lachlan Hardy for getting his first post on Read/Write Web.
Was at a function last night and chatting to Mike Arrington and Gabe Rivera and some people were saying that TechMeme is their first point of call for web news, and some were saying TechCrunch. For me, Rea/Write Web fits in there too.
So what's the difference and why care? Here's my view.
TechCrunch - the galactic central point for all that is web 2.0. There isn't much that isn't quickly posted on TechCrunch. (Especially with Duncan Riley writing furiously...). You get the basics and you get them fast. TechCrunch is a little poptech for me. Lots of readers are not die hard web tech like me, they are just tech lurkers. That's fine.
Read/Write Web - web 2.0 and web tech but with a regularly spicing of analytics. RWW will do long posts if they are really required where as TechCrunch seems like they would rather be fast and first then in-depth (not to say they don't do that, just my on-average radar).
TechMeme - the aggregator and filter of all tech and web news. If I've only got 5 minutes, I'll start here and see what is really important. TechMeme does this really well. TechMeme is also a great service for the deep-in-tech guys like me, but I don't know if it has a big audience like TC or RWW.
At the end of the day, I enjoy all three and they all add value in different ways, at different times.
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