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March 25, 2007


Adam H

Thankfully in Australia we have sensible government. Commercially and morally we are protected by the national privacy principles. Together with a watch dog instrument that holds hearings and allocates penalties we enjoy the benefits of one of our inherent social rights.

Though, if people like the webcammer choose to do their own thing, we are free to do so. This is an important theme that arches across much of Australian policy.

Some may call it a breakdown of moral order. After all, who wants to webcam a nasty turd in motion? We are the McMansion era. Commercialise it. Generalise it. Distribute it. It brings so many wonderful things to us, but it comes at the expense of Jerry Springer and YouTube criminals destroying public property.

Though the more informed among us know that ultimately.....if you are a person of interest there is very little that will be kept from the determined, financed, organised groups. The digital age is the age of the common man having a false sense of privacy.

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