Today was Cwazy.
I'd like to write more but it would sound like this
midnight go to bed that's today isn't it get up tired get up shower shirt suit why tie ties suck cereal serial ooops brush hair walk ipod dang diggnation seminar snooze taxi work soccer goal shower work work product meeting talk leave taxi ring cafe ring ooops wheres my wallet scream tears doofus slow walk halleleuha spelling travellator in city home banking photographer flickr blog here stop.
Get me?
Today was Cwazy.
I'd like to write more but it would sound like this
midnight go to bed that's today isn't it get up tired get up shower shirt suit why tie ties suck cereal serial ooops brush hair walk ipod dang diggnation seminar snooze taxi work soccer goal shower work work product meeting talk leave taxi ring cafe ring ooops wheres my wallet scream tears doofus slow walk halleleuha spelling travellator in city home banking photographer flickr blog here stop.
Get me?