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February 26, 2007


Simon H

typical - you are so insensitive. You never ask what i'm wearing. Men can be such bastards sometimes!


Why is it called a meme?

Isn't that french for same?


Well, I'm at work so I am wearing a black skirt I bought about 6 years ago at Cue on sale. Great skirt.

Also a pink top from Ojay.

I have on black strappy heels that are comfortable, but I don't really think I like them. They have the t-bar thing happening, not sure it suits my foot. Oh well.


I'm wearing a figure-hugging blue nightgown...

(apologies to Bargearse)

Mike Cannon-Brookes

Mate - I've always thought you might be a sick, sick man. You've invented a technical meme equivalent of the shady looking guy in a trenchcoat at Central Station who just wants to "show you something" :)


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There are so many memes that it's hard to fallow. They come and go and if you don't know some of them you are outsider. This what are you wearing thing come really fast but don't think it will last forever thou.

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