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December 19, 2006



Almost 200 Britneys per million babies, about 5000 Johns per million babies. About 6000 Michaels. 600 Christinas. 300 Simons. 100 Bernards (why? think of the children!)

Simon H

300 Simon's. Humpf. I blame popular media - all character's named Simon in t.v. and movie's are usually British evil masterminds or a wet sack.

Simon H

oh dear - type in "Paris". What were these people thinking? "um, who is the most influential, well respected, idological person of our day? . . . . oh yeah Paris Hilton!"


Maybe parents are following the Beckham's lead of naming their children after the place they were conceived in.

Look out for Chislehurst Mabbott!

Simon H

Alyah got zero - so that either means that this thing is very western culture based or we have picked an original name. So, Mr & Mrs Mabbott - is it going to be "Room Number Two Mabbott" or just plain old "Bill" considering that names are out of control. I can see a whole generation of John's, Sue's, Michael's etc - anything but those horrible names that their parents gave them....

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