Email from Simon H re: carols. I missed it, but sounds like a fe$tival or Chri$tma$
did you happen to go to the Carols in the Domain sponsored by Woolworths the fresh food people, Telstra 3G Network, and channel 7? Wanted to know if the advertising came across as bad as it did on tele?
Yasmine's mum was watching it on television before i went to bed (feeling sick in my stomach) and it was bloody terrible - i know that these companies put a shite load of money into these things but jeeeesus. What ever happened to the christmas spirit - giving? Although using christmas has a long history of advertising and the lord - i think the whole three wise kings business was the local merchants putting in a bit of advertising for gold, frankincense and mir (who the hell ever bought Mir anyway?)
Welcome to Channel Seven's Carol's in the Domain. Whilst you are doing your christmas shopping at Woolworths the fresh food people you could take a picture of yourself and send it to your friends via Telstra's new 3G network only available on Telstra mobile phones and their network. Tonight we feature all of your favourite channel seven stars singing all the great favourites like:
- Home and Away in a Manger
- We Three King Gees
- Winter Woolworthsland
- No'd'el
I know i'm a cynical crotchety old humbug, but that just took the cake. I'm now waiting for Channel Nine's Carols in the domain brought to you by 3 Mobile phone network, Wizard Home Loans and Carlton United Brewery (VB) - which is the real carols in the domain because, lets face it, we got it closer to christmas! And we got Dame Edna Everidge to host!
Although I'm not surprised. Qantas making their kids walk out during every Boy From Oz to sing "I still call Australia Home" with the changed words (which I mentioned in one of my first ever posts on this blog 3 years ago). That was really bad. I paid money for this show and Qantas was hammering me. It had a big negative effect. If Hugh had said, "Thanks to Qantas for letting us use that for free" I would have given them praise. Oh well, I'm sure now that Macquarie Bank owns them they'll be more friendly.....
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