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October 17, 2006


Simon H

something not really associated with tea or cupcakes. I was watching Futurama the other night and in the background was a home sweet home sign as such:
10 Home
20 Sweet
Goto 10

Man, i thought that was funny. But then my sudden awareness of my nerdity sobered me up.


I don't get it? What does it mean?


Haa haaa haaa. I get it.

Nashy, do you get it?

Karen, you're not geeky enough. Although my list of cool web sites has been GOTO 10 for a long time - even though John thought it meant my top ten links to go to - he complained when I had more than ten - typically engineer!!!


I'm still unhappy about there being more than 10 links


You're getting as grumpy as Kenny!!!

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Goto 10

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