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« Okie Dokie | Main | Happy »

June 27, 2006




Anything but this....


On the other hand, we had 90 minutes to score and didn't put one away. In fact, we hardly had any shots at goal.

We definitely missed Kewell. How does one get gout so young??? It's most perculiar...


We had a few opportunities but nothing compared to Italy... we were very lucky not to be 3 - 0 at half time. That doesn't change the fact that we proved everyone wrong and had just as much chance to win as they did.

There is a line out of the Matrix movie where they are in the Matrix about to dial back out when cypher or whatever starts pulling plugs... and on of them turns to Trinity and says... "Not like this.... Not like this.."

Thats all I can keep saying in my head...

I have also found the picture to sum up my day...,10114,5176012,00.jpg


When I was watching it, I thought if this went to extra time and we still hadn't scored, then Italy probably deserved to win on penalties, are they looked much more dangerous around goal. We really didn't convert our overwhelming possession into scoring opportunities.

I'm still not sure what the point of Viduka is?

Great game by the team though. Bresciano was very active. Maybe Aloesi should have got on earlier, who knows?


I used your 'Viduka the galcier' quip a couple of times last night John. Thanks.


2nd-hand Liubinskas!

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