So when you use a phone you only use one ear? Does that effect how you communicate? It probably effects how you listen, which probably effects how you talk?
Why? Well stuff on the left side of your body is run by the right side of the brain and the stuff on the right side of the body is run by the left side of the brain. Oogga Boogga research suggests that your right side is the creative side and your left side is your analytical side.
So what?
So when you are on the phone and someone is saying, so what should we get Billy for Christmas (topical) you should put the phone to your left ear to get your creative mind.
And when you are on the phone and you are figuring out what phone package to be on, then put the phone to your right ear to tap into your analytical brain.
So that is why when you use Skype with headphones (i.e. both ears) it is a different experience. You get balance.
Interesting huh?
Why? Well stuff on the left side of your body is run by the right side of the brain and the stuff on the right side of the body is run by the left side of the brain. Oogga Boogga research suggests that your right side is the creative side and your left side is your analytical side.
So what?
So when you are on the phone and someone is saying, so what should we get Billy for Christmas (topical) you should put the phone to your left ear to get your creative mind.
And when you are on the phone and you are figuring out what phone package to be on, then put the phone to your right ear to tap into your analytical brain.
So that is why when you use Skype with headphones (i.e. both ears) it is a different experience. You get balance.
Interesting huh?
Mick, your never going to be a father with that mind frame... When buying something for Billy it should be more analytical, god knows how many times I buy something that at the time seems creative but maybe with a little more thought would be used more than the 2 hours at Christmas time.
Posted by: ry | November 29, 2005 at 08:03 AM
despite this being a plug for skype i think that i have found a massive hole in your theory (sort of). How you use your phone would depend on whether you are right handed or left handed - it is difficult to write or use your right hand listening to the phone on your right side when you are right handed. Does this mean that left handed people are all creative and are doomed never to be analytical? Probably (a world of left handers would be a telemarketers dream). Maybe you should start up a left handed part of your blog ala ginger kids. I'm sure it would be a hit as well.
Posted by: Simon | November 29, 2005 at 08:24 AM
Did you know that right-handed people live, on average, 9 years longer than left-handed people?
Posted by: KC | November 29, 2005 at 09:27 AM
Hmm, some very good points.
Simon, I like your point about if you write left handed then you will have your phone in your left hand and use your right brain. So your right hand is being analytical but your ear is listening in a creative way.
Posted by: Mick | November 29, 2005 at 10:00 AM