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September 30, 2005



It may be wierd but I played with it for ages! :-)


I agree. I'm addicted. It's slightly morose...



How did you know my brother... Yes I'm adicted too... however I find people with less computer skills/knowledge dislike it. Do you think this is because of our understanding of the maths and physics it takes to program this kind of game or purely because we're nerds. Its not our fault we like stupid meaningless games which show different ways someone can fall.

My opinion - Very cool


Did anyone know that you can click on her perverted body and throw her around by just holding down the click button and dragging the mouse?
A useless piece of information, I know, but interesting nonetheless.


Even better is when you try to slide her inbetween tight bubbles... Its sad that you can watch this for more than 5 minutes... but she will hit the Spikes at the bottom soon!! MUAHAHAHAHAH


Yep, you can whip her around. Make her do sommersaults and flips. I've been trying to make her fly, but my mouse sucks.

Take a screen shot of the wierdest pose and send it to me!

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