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  • Micknude

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« Come to Africa | Main | Zanzibar Ode »

December 09, 2004




thats awsome Mick, I hope you took some photos of that view, I mean at 5895m up you must be able to see the ocean and I expect photos, if the clouds were to much then I will forgive you... lol

I wanted to ask if you got given a basil/herb to smell, it would have smelt like Vicks (Cold and Flu rub), really helps those head colds you would have had.

Glad to see your living your life dreams, but I want more and more everytime I see a new entry so keep them coming, Love you.


What an awesome adventure Mick!! Wow.

I bet the facilities in that African villiage now feel five star!


As they say in Eire - Jaysus fair play to ya! It sounds amazing. Excrutiating but amazing! Don't know how I'd cope with the cold tho, I'm still getting used to the aircon in the office :)

Have a brilliant Christmas mate, No doubt it will be one to remember.

Bob Liubinskas

Our son is a marvel - there was a good old gospel song that the Seekers once did called "let My People Go" and it goes something like "go tell it on a mountain - to let my people go!!!!!" good on you michael you did tell it on a mountain.

love mum and dad

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