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December 15, 2003


Jennifer Smith

Well young Mick I take it you didn't get that snog from RW? He's clearly saving himself for someone with bigger buxoms. I know this because I read it in a Take That interview in Smash Hits magazine in 1992. I have been a fan for years...a true fan doesn't purchase the CD 24 hours before a concert (which I am now enjoying -thanks! Sorry if your workmates missed it in the IGA today. By the way, how are the bread sales since you rearranged the shelves?).

But since the hour for bargaining for RW (that's what real fans call him) tickets has clearly passed, it's time we started working some other things out. Have you ever thought about 24 hour sex on tap...? I have - it's part of my visa requirements. Shall I have my people contact your people about sponsorship? Great! Talk soon.

Phil Morle

What were Duran Duran like? Where they everything Michal hoped?


Duran Duran were pretty good, but most of the crowd didn't get into them. We missed Machine Gun F.

Michal was "excited" and "quite pleased".

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