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August 11, 2003


Someone from preschool

One freaky site. Only yesterday do i remember a sunny day on the central coast and i needed a translation from my friend for his younger brothers vocabulary - something about cordial if i remember correctly.
Say hi to to the old man and mum for me. Never will i forget that hot night in summer when i freaked out (after a swim in the poool) and i had to go home. I will be able to forward a website of my own soon - Wooden will be the address (if of course it isn't taken yet). Hopefully the toys will inspire generations to come. I saw many photos of the old fam in this lot. Appreciate the knowledge they have accumalted and if possible get them to write it down. I have experienced the same with my own family and regret being able to talk to them any more now that i am more 'mature'.

as Gandalf says:

ps yellow aint your colour, i'd try magenta.


Thanks Simon, that is a classic. I hadn't remembered that. Ryan used to speak but had his own language (as he was learning) and I used to be able to intepret it.

Some language;
- Ish - wee (urinate)
- Bor - poo
- Garke - Michael (me)
- Ya ya - Wayne

And the first song he sang was something by Wang Chung that I can't remember the name of it. Anybody???

cheers Simon.


Count us in, birthday boy! :-)
Kathey and Russell


Oops, wrong page. :-( :-)

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